Friday, 10 May 2013

My Final Images

1. This is my first final piece, I chose this photo as I really like the colouring and texture of it. The houses really frame the photo and link with the movement of boats on the bay by the colour.It looks like the bay is part of the orginal photo of the houses and it's outside it but it isn't. I had to do a lot of cropping with this photo as there was empty spaces where the composition wasn't enough. The textured image of the railings/netting fence works well as it looks like it's locking the photo in which links to the boats and sea.

2. I love this image as it is very natural, I chose three images with the same style and technique such as colours - greens, browns, blues. The way I have layered it the grass is coming through onto the bridge giving it a nice soft effect where it's too harsh. The bridge and tree/landscape work really well together as they blend equally without one standing out more than the other.

3. This was a image I did during my first shoots and it's one of my favourites because I really thought about the structure. The bars don't over power the photo and I found two similar structures - a part of a Cathedral and a part of a bridge/tunnel so they compliment each other really well as there still is the graffiti contrasting with the old architecture of the Cathedral. In the corners you can see part of the orginal photo pearing through which I really like as this photo gives a different story in each corner.

4. This shoot was my most developed and experimentational and I am proud how I finally got it at the right texture. It was too over powering at first as the images I chose have a lot of detail creating a chaotic composition but I didn't want to change the photo as I knew the structure would really work well espeically highlighting the movement of my model to the left. It was using the rule of thirds and thinking about strucutre.

5. This was also another image using lots of Photoshop work by rubbing out, highlighting, developing etc. This photo has many aspect of Bristol in it such as the top part of the photo using the Severn Bridge, the second part using rivers in Bristol and bridges. I love the lay out of this image, the structure works perfectly and I really like how the colours work such as the top part of the photo and the bottom. I wasn't sure to begin with as it is a very structured photo but I liked how I made the trees come around the middle of the photo as it does draw your attention there but it does it in a way that it's not too over powering.

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