Both of these artists are very similar yet quite different. Loreiau looks at documentary style photography such as the daily life of people, capturing problems or movement in different countries where as Sidaway is fine art based as she looks at more landscapes, buildings, textures which may have a story behind them. Her photos tend to give a particular mood or atmosphere particularly relaxing, cheerful etc.
Like Sidaway, Loreiau believes in strong composition as part of the making of a good photograph. This really links to my final piece as composition is strong and vital to make the perfect piece. They both are modern day artists using digital photography and Photoshop for example to create their final images. I think they both use composition to the best of their advantage. Sidaway could crop some of her photos as sometimes their is a empty space of composition which draws you to that part. Loreaiu on the other hand takes hundreds of images and some are full with composition and some are very simple with hardly any. They just document what's currently happening.
Loreiaus photos have to be more thought about but as he is documenting parts of a particular place it doesn't have to be structured. The elements where he would need to think about is when he's capturing movement to lean it on something or to actually carry a tripod around so he can capture the movement sharply/clearly. Loreiau obviously has a plan of what he wants and is interested in but it's more easier to do I think, on the other hand Sidaway has to get the right composition and perfect image to create a beautiful layer, what needs to be thought about are the places in Bristol or where ever she is that will be relevant to her, the structure, what can she do with these images in the future and if she has found a place for her photos such as a bridge, what else is there in that spot can she think about such as the aperture of the weather etc to make sure the photo is well structured.
They both have taken photos in Bristol which have been really inspiring to me in their different elements. Loreiau was great as I could link my work to the movement around Bristol by capturing images of cyclists, buildings, famous Bristol features but I could use the story behind it from Sidaway such as the ideas, concepts, beliefs and the mood I wanted to give off.
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