Overall I really have enjoyed the course of movement and experimenting in so many different ways as it is something I hadn't done before. I got to experience and develop my knowledge with shutter speed and exposure massively, and from mt first couple of shoots I think you can see the development and experimentation. I never had tried out and used mixed media either so learning creative ways to edit a photo instead of Photoshop or the dark room was really useful. Especially crackle glaze, that was my favourite as you could change the mood of a photo instantly by using different textures.
I am really pleased I found Sidaway for my final piece as I think the use of layering is so different to what I have done but I have put my own way on it. I had to be collective with my final images and I didn't photograph movement in the most obvious way. It's created a really beautiful piece as I can tell different stories in one image by showing my experience and journey through movement.
Final piece:
Picture 2 of 5, mark on the bottom of the page from the printer. Kept this print as I changed it from the previous print and made it brighter and sharper.
Friday, 10 May 2013
Mark Tull and Jacques-Henri Lantigue
This was a post which I had forgotten to publish, I had only saved it. The shoot was done back in February when I got my exam, this was a shoot trialling with movement and learning exposure types, shutter and how to work with them. Learning from this I can see what to do in the future with using the appropiate exposure for the right shutter. Different types of shutters require for different movement situations.
I looked at times of day and the movement of day shown in my sketch book by the weather. This relates to Mark Tull as he looks at the passing of time.
My Final Images
1. This is my first final piece, I chose this photo as I really like the colouring and texture of it. The houses really frame the photo and link with the movement of boats on the bay by the colour.It looks like the bay is part of the orginal photo of the houses and it's outside it but it isn't. I had to do a lot of cropping with this photo as there was empty spaces where the composition wasn't enough. The textured image of the railings/netting fence works well as it looks like it's locking the photo in which links to the boats and sea.
2. I love this image as it is very natural, I chose three images with the same style and technique such as colours - greens, browns, blues. The way I have layered it the grass is coming through onto the bridge giving it a nice soft effect where it's too harsh. The bridge and tree/landscape work really well together as they blend equally without one standing out more than the other.
3. This was a image I did during my first shoots and it's one of my favourites because I really thought about the structure. The bars don't over power the photo and I found two similar structures - a part of a Cathedral and a part of a bridge/tunnel so they compliment each other really well as there still is the graffiti contrasting with the old architecture of the Cathedral. In the corners you can see part of the orginal photo pearing through which I really like as this photo gives a different story in each corner.
4. This shoot was my most developed and experimentational and I am proud how I finally got it at the right texture. It was too over powering at first as the images I chose have a lot of detail creating a chaotic composition but I didn't want to change the photo as I knew the structure would really work well espeically highlighting the movement of my model to the left. It was using the rule of thirds and thinking about strucutre.
5. This was also another image using lots of Photoshop work by rubbing out, highlighting, developing etc. This photo has many aspect of Bristol in it such as the top part of the photo using the Severn Bridge, the second part using rivers in Bristol and bridges. I love the lay out of this image, the structure works perfectly and I really like how the colours work such as the top part of the photo and the bottom. I wasn't sure to begin with as it is a very structured photo but I liked how I made the trees come around the middle of the photo as it does draw your attention there but it does it in a way that it's not too over powering.
Possible final pieces
During my exam these are the final pieces I have made from my shoots. For my final images I am going to choose multiple images and not just one show to show my movement of my journey from my exam but not all of them. I will choose the ones I feel are most best, developed and follow my theme. In all my images except the bottom one show and convey some form of movement. E.g. a boat, the river/water, people, cyclists etc.
Experimentation for final piece 2
I instantly knew I had to crop it because there was going to be too much empty space
I was really unsure if I liked this photo as it's very structured but I actually think it's really nice as I worked on it. I rubbed through around the structure of the bridge so the trees would come out and there would be a window into the river. I also really loved how the Severn Bridge is on the top of the blue bridge as sea/rivers are blue and the colour of the railing of the bridge is blue. It gives it an effect of it's own but I rubbed it out so that it wasn't too strong and wouldn't take too much attention of the photo, with the texture image of the white flowers/petals it looks like a water paint effect.
Theis what the layered image is made of:
I knew these images would combine well together as the structure of them I thought about, the type of opacity I would put it at the technique of rubbing out which I knew I could do.
Experiments for final piece 1
My next couple of posts are looking at different experiments to some of my final pieces. I may not use all of them for my final piece but it's different techniques which I haven't used before or tried out so i've showed how i've got the technique.
I have edited numerous photos and this is one which even though I still did the layering and opacity etc I still wasnt happy. I think this picture has too much composition where there isn't enough balance for example the tree is too dark and it's contrasting with the graffiti.I'm going to rub some parts out.
Now there is still some great texture but it's not too harsh and sharp where it takes all the focus out of the picture. I really like how it has blended in the photo too the point that around the movement of the person and top left corner. The right hand side of the image you can see that another photo is coming through which I think adds very finely some nice extra detail without making it too obvious.
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Cellotape transfer
As my emulsion transfers were unsuccesful I tried the cellotape transfer which is cellotaping over your photograph with pieces of cellotape a finger width, then putting on loads of water on the back of it (running under a tap for a minute) leaving it to stand for five minutes. After that rub it off with a sponge and the photo will appear on the cellotape.
I scanned this in, it isn't that sharp and clear on here, I brightened it as much as I could without it being to over exposed. It is in my sketch book as it is a lot clearer.
I like this transfer as it is very clever and I like how sharp it comes through on the cellotape. It makes the colours seem more bright such as the pinks and blues of the house. This makes the image look really delicate.
Final Piece inspiration
This is a print screen of the link of the first website which I found from here:
It has some great stories, myths, events, history etc talking about Bristol. As I was reading it really gave me some inspiration for my final shoots (final piece) as I am looking at the documentation and movement around Bristol to hear the stories and for it to link to the right location was really useful.
This is a print screen of the link of the first website which I found from here:
It has some great stories, myths, events, history etc talking about Bristol. As I was reading it really gave me some inspiration for my final shoots (final piece) as I am looking at the documentation and movement around Bristol to hear the stories and for it to link to the right location was really useful.
Cyanotype experimentation with final piece
The cyanotype is a process making a photograph with a blue, died effect which can be printed on fabric, paper, wood etc. This process is made up of two simple solutions.
- Potassium ferricyanide and Ferric ammonium citrate (green) are mixed with water separately.
- The two solutions are then blended together in equal parts.
- Paper, card, textiles or any other naturally absorbent material is coated with the solution and dried in the dark.
- Using Photoshop edit the image to negative if you want it positive, vise versa and then print. The cyanotype is printed using UV light, such as the sun, a light box or a UV lamp.
- After exposure of 15/20 minutes the material is processed by simply rinsing it in water. A white print emerges on a blue background.
- The final print is dried and ready!
It firstly started off unsuccesfully as I hadn't contrasted the inverted picture enough, so I went back again and changed the levels on Photoshop so it would become successful. I over exposed it too much outside which meant it was unsuccessful again so I went into the dark room to do some photograms to make sure my inverted picture was fine. Here it is:
Learning from this I can see that I need to make the dark parts of the image even darker and brighten some parts using Levels again on Photoshop.
Showing my process
I am making a background copy (bottom right hand corner) and deleting the first layer into the bin.
Here I am dragging the background copy onto my layer which is highlighted in blue at the bottom.
Now that it's dragged, I am changing my opacity to what I feel is relevant and will make the best composition.
This is my third latyer I will bring onto the image.
As I have dragged the photograph onto my layered photo I changed the opacity which creates my final layer.
Developing further for my exam piece
After my layering sometimes I want to highlight certain parts of the photo, this print screen shows me rubbering out the parts of the picture between the railings I have used. I highlighed the movement of the people to the left.
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
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