Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Rebecca Sidaway

Rebecca Sidaway is a student fine art photographer I found when browsing on the internet. She does some amazing pictures using multiple exposures and layers to create a image. She is based in Bristol and does Bristol photography, this is great as I can use this inspiration to follow through my movement exam. As I am interested in gothic, horror type I will take pictures of movement with people such as a longer shutter so they look like ghosts or birds.

The technique is to take some pictures far away such as victorian style buildings, landscapes, gothic like. A close up of a texture such as grass, wood, stone, paint, colour and a mid close up of something like bark, railings, tennis courts, wire.

Most of her images are colour which I feel are much stronger images but some are black and white but this could be really good for my theme as I could capture different exposures with the sky and create a gothic dynamic image. Her photos have a really caotic composition which is what makes the photo so good but sometimes I think her images can have a empty space of composition where there is empty space. I need to make sure all my photo is filled up with lots of  different styles and textures.

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