Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Rebecca Sidaway

This was a shoot experimenting with different layers, textures involving movement. Not all of my images have movement in every single photo, a lot of them are still life pictures then I add a movement image into it to follow my theme.

I love the first two images (above^) they have great structure to them and so much going on in them yet they dont take the attention away. I noticed especially with the first image structure and angles are really important when creating a image like this as sometimes the photos can be too much that it's to chaotic and you are looking at one specific element instead of all three images.

What I love most about these images and also Rebecca Sidaway's is that you look at the image and you have to look again, and your trying to work out what it is and you suddenly get shocked by what you see as you realise the different elements in the photo which have been layered on top of each other.

The opacity has to be at the right level as sometimes it can be too much and sometimes not enougth that you lose the main focus. I also noticed sometimes there can be a empty space of composition and with this style of photography its better when the composition is everywhere. For example is some of Sidaways photos she has empty parts such as the sky.

Overall the shoot went really well, I must remember to capture different movements such as people, cyclists, cars and I have learnt from this show to develop into looking at different structures of buildings or people and the way the photo is taken such as looking up at something or looking down, or using the rule of thirds and capturing the corner of a photo.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Ghost article

A Bristol ghost article which I think is relevant towards my theme (in sketch book)

Comparrision Mankus and Sidaway

I found two mixed media photographers/artist - Sally Mankus and Rebecca Sidaway.

Both of there pieces I love as they are different but use layering to create something really unique.

Sally Mankus In creating much of this mixed media work she has used a process of lifting rust, carbon and markings from charred surfaces (mainly bakeware). The rust, carbon, and markings become embedded in an acrylic "skin". These "skins"are translucent and flexible. In addition to using these as finished pieces sometimes Mankus added other things - image transfers, paint, found objects. I could follow this stylw by scanning in fabrics which I can collect to layer as a background on Photoshop.

In comparrison Sidaway is still a student trialling and experimenting to create the best images, she looks at different textures and layers them on top of each other to create a fine art styled image. Her purpose is to show the different sites of Bristol and create a personal feeling to share with people. Her images give off the intention of being warm, friendly and vibrant with the colours such as oranges and pinks from the sunset or the textures. Some of her photos have a blue tint to it to make them look like fine art but some are completely contrasted with bold colours such as red and blues which are very dynamic and they show the different styles of Bristol.

Ghost Stories Inspiration

Location: Bristol - A38, Bedminster Down
Type: Unknown Ghost Type
Date / Time: December 2012, 06:50h
Further Comments: Whilst driving to work this witness spotted a smiling woman in a red top and black jogging bottoms running towards them in the middle of the road. After they passed each other the woman could not be seen in the rear view mirrors.
Location: Bristol - 14 Bellevue
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: 1960s
Further Comments: A family living here reported the strange sounds of scratching at the window. The kitchen table would also creak and groan without reason.

Location: Bristol - Ashton Court Estate
Type: Haunting Manifestation
Date / Time: Weather Dependent: clear moonlit nights (horseman)
Further Comments: Ashton Court is best known for its ghostly headless horseman, though there are also reports of grey ladies and a phantom hound.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Rebecca Sidaway

Rebecca Sidaway is a student fine art photographer I found when browsing on the internet. She does some amazing pictures using multiple exposures and layers to create a image. She is based in Bristol and does Bristol photography, this is great as I can use this inspiration to follow through my movement exam. As I am interested in gothic, horror type I will take pictures of movement with people such as a longer shutter so they look like ghosts or birds.

The technique is to take some pictures far away such as victorian style buildings, landscapes, gothic like. A close up of a texture such as grass, wood, stone, paint, colour and a mid close up of something like bark, railings, tennis courts, wire.

Most of her images are colour which I feel are much stronger images but some are black and white but this could be really good for my theme as I could capture different exposures with the sky and create a gothic dynamic image. Her photos have a really caotic composition which is what makes the photo so good but sometimes I think her images can have a empty space of composition where there is empty space. I need to make sure all my photo is filled up with lots of  different styles and textures.

Jim Ferria


This was a shoot looking at the movement of cards, but I found it very difficult to capture and I wasn't very pleased with it. It took me multiple times to even get it slightly right. I wasn't a big fan of this, I was dissapointed as I really wanted to create a Film Noir effect but I couldn't find the right combinationt to get it that way.

Jim Ferria

I love these images, I was looking shadows to follow the theme of Film Noir. I went around my house playing with natural lighting and got some really sharp images. My favourite images are the first as I think the angle I took it at captured a really strong shadow and I love how it comes through a glass door to make the shadow a square. The second image is really strong I love the contrast of black and white, this is really like a Film Noir image as the hand and cigarette is really dark contrasting to the light coming through the door. I had to control my aperute to convey this as other wise it would  have been a right light image.

Jim Ferria 2

This was my second shoot improving from capturing the smoke from the kettle and I am really pleased with how it turned out. I realised angles were really important as they would capture the movement of steam quicker and better than a low angle for example. Some of the photos you do have to look really closely to see the steam such as the first two images but I like how it's quite faint and distance as it makes the photo a blur.
I controlled my shutter and aperture to create this as I wanted the photo to be at the right exposure so you could see the smoke.

Experimentation with smoke

Jim Ferria


I was really pleased with these images. They weren't really cigarettes so it was really hard to capture the movement of smoke as it wasn't consistent like a normal lit cigarette. I focussed mainly on capturing the movement than a model posing etc as I had never tried this before so I wanted to make sure I got it right.

I had to shutter on a 60th of a second so it capture the blow of smoke as it had to be quick, some of these images were dark to begin with as I was using different appertures but I finally got the right one. I like the way in the first two images the smoke was captured as it looks artifical because it caught everything. Developing with this shoot I could use someone with a real cigarette so it would look more realistic and try in different locations.

Film Noir inspiration

These were some images I found on the internet when researching types of smoke photography as it's quite a tricky one to follow I think especially if you don't smoke or many people around you do. A lot of these photos were in black and white which was great as my photography was going to be in black and white in style of film Noir. They also seem to be set up with studio lighting and dark/black backgrounds to capture the smoke as it constrats against black. When creating shoots of smoke I will take this into thought.

Sean M.Leachy

Sean M. Leahy is a photographer who I found on the internet when searching old buildings, black and white. Who is continually looking for exciting new projects and ideas to push the envelope in portrait, product, fine art and landscape photography.

"I started this site as a way for me to share my passion and portfolio with people around the globe. I continue to take every opportunity to travel the world and experience new cultures and traditions to gain inspirations and insight into the world in which we live. I love being able to share my experiences through the eye of my lens"

This is one of Leachys photos, it doesn't involve movement which is my theme or film noir but I was inpsired to take a shoot on the victorian buildings such as Temple Meads in Bristol as film noir is in the 1940s and I could shoot old buildings, bridges etc with a gothic feel to it but with the movement add a person walking so it's like a ghost. The weather will be a good aspect to try like this photo by trialling out different exposures and editing. Using black and white to create a horror gothic feel.

Sean M.Leachy 1

This was a shoot inspired by Leachy as he looks at old, desserted places, so I went to Temple Meads in Bristol and took some great photos of this, this follows the theme of Film Noir as it's set a lot time ago but at Temple Meads its Victorian styles, with the type of concrete, lights, buildings etc. I captured some movement within them also by people and buses etc.
I started off with a basic ISO of 200-400 but as I noticed the buildings I thought I wanted my camera to adapt to the setting so I changed the ISO on this shoot to 3000 to convey the grain old effect and I think it worked well with the use of style and architecture on the buildings.  I think at night time it would look even better with the lights and shadows on the pavement and of the people walking.

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Jim Ferreira

Jim Ferreira is a current photography with a interest and passion of Noir Portraiture & Hollywood Glamour Photography. Including Vintage / Retro Portraits & Pin Up Photography. His photos are black and white with a heavy theme of lighting which is really interesting and key to my work to trial with.

I love the lighting in this image as it's great. The shadows are really sharp and tell a story. The mood of the photo is fear, curiosity, death and this is mainly caused or seen by the way the models are acting but also the lighting causes this as the main feature in the picture is highlighted and bright and the part of the picture which is 'dangerous' is dark and hidden. It's a shadow. 

This picture is the same as the one before in the sense of lighting and black and white. Even the mise-en-scene such as the clothing etc. But the film noir is really strong in this picture such as the cards, cigarettes, gun etc. This photo has inspired me to take pictures of cards moving to follow my theme of movement. I will take into account lighting and the background etc to follow this style as I really like it.