Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Alexey Titarenko Modern...

This was a shoot I done with using the inspiration from Alexey Titarenko. As before I looked at black and white and old buildings which were desserted and left lonely, I went the complete opposite end of doing a shoot in Cabot Circus Bristol where it is modern buildings and shops and also loads of people. It wasn't exactly a planned perfect shoot but it was some good experimentation to go the complete opposite end and try out different shutter speeds. I really liked the lighting used from the shop windows and the peoplem, how fast their movement is.

I think my angle is a really good one too as it was high up to catch people. The same sort of style as Mark Tull.
This was a play around with photoshop layering a clock over the image. I think it has good intentions as the clock shows passing of time and the movement from the people show this as it is such a busy picture.

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